How to Deal with Typical Problems with Cat Behaviour


Several cat behaviour problems appear to be universal among felines. Some of these bad habits are listed below, along with suggestions for how to fix them.

Litter Box Isn't Getting Used

This "poor behaviour" is unfortunately the most common reason for putting cats in shelters. A cat's litter box habits should be taught by its owner and if there's an issue, they should investigate what's causing it. Because cats can smell their own urine, they will continue to excrete there. A cat breeder buddy advised me to gather some tissues and carry the kitten and Kleenex to the litter box the first time the kitten peed on the floor. So, the smell will be associated with the litter box in the feline's mind. Adult cats should be treated in the same manner as kittens. But if an adult cat keeps eliminating improperly, you should examine for a medical or emotional condition that could be going on.

Hissing At Others

A cat's hiss might be a sign of fear or an attempt to protect its territory from an intruder. As a warning that they've had enough touching, they'll hiss at us until we stop. There are certain cats who may hiss at strangers because they are afraid of them. As a warning to "back away, I'm angry," hissing is commonly used. Even if the cat is scared, it will try to feign aggression in order to get out of the situation. If you want to be a good cat parent, learn to read your cat's body language. What to do when faced with a hissing cat is something I strongly recommend you teach your children about, especially if you have young children.

Spraying On Walls, Doors or furniture

Spraying vertical surfaces is a way for cats to indicate their territory. Multi-cat families are more likely to experience this. Having your cat neutered or spayed is the best way to end this unpleasant and stinky behaviour. To find a mate, cats will spray to attract another cat of the same sex. It will substantially lessen the desire to spray pee on your kitchen door or lounge furniture when you have guests if you remove the need to mate!

Furniture and Carpet Scratching

Claw stretching and sharpening are two of a cat's favourite past times. A lot of them do it on our furniture, rugs and drapes. You must teach your cat to use a scratching post. It's best to begin teaching your cat when he or she is still a kitten. Adult cats can still be trained, but it will take more time. My recommendation is to invest in some robust cat tree furniture with ledges of different heights. If you can afford it, get something that can grow with you. Sisal is a good choice for covering the base and trunk of the tree. In order to stop your cat from scratching your furniture, you must first say 'No!' in a stern voice, then pick it up and transport it to the scratching pole, where you may physically lay its claws on the pole. To encourage your cat to utilise the trunk, try rubbing some catnip on it. When it comes to dealing with an adult cat, patience is the key.

Jumping On The Table Or Desk.

My kids are all too responsible for one of those bothersome cat behaviour issues. As a result, my cats have never attempted to scale the kitchen countertops. My daughter, on the other hand, preferred to work at the computer with her cat in the same room as her. And the cat seemed to enjoy it as well - it was the perfect spot for additional stroking and petting, and the computer or laptop was keeping the room nice and toasty. As soon as my daughter went to work, I was the one who had to make this change. As soon as the cat leaps up, you say "no" and put it back down on the floor. It won't take long for this to change. Put your hand out and say "no" again if you see her preparing to leap back up. I had to vacuum the keyboard to remove the cat hair after only a few days of doing this to get her to stop leaping up.

The Chewing of Electrical Cords by Kittens or Cats

Kittens seem to like this activity. They are eager to learn about their new surroundings, and as they mature, they expand their horizons. The kittens appear to be using electrical wires to sharpen their tiny teeth. Keep your kitten safe from electric shock and electrical equipment damage by bundling wire up with packaging tape or something similar. Nonetheless, kittens are very adept at fitting into tight areas, so it's an option worth considering. Some adhesive paper sticky side up or some alfoil may be used to keep your cats and kittens away from the cords, or you can also place pepper on the floor to keep them away from the cords.

If your cat is behaving in a way that you don't like, there are a number of things you can do to fix it. These are not actions that should be punished. You'll do nothing but make your cat afraid of you. With patience and reward, you'll see the poor behaviour problems go away within a short period of time. Cats that brush against our legs, snuggle up on our laps, or sleep on our beds are all examples of adorable cat behaviour. These are the kinds of activities that most cats engage in, and it's why we love them so much!

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