Cats and Kittens: Your Perfect Pets | Miss Clearfoot

Cute and Cozy Cat Naps: Relaxation Tips for Your Feline Friends

Sleep is a powerful healing force, and cats are known for their sleeping prowess. But what are the tell tale signals that our feline companions are getting enough rest?Many people forget one of the most critical aspects of ensuring your pet's happiness and health: plenty of dozing. Getting adequate sleep is essential for excellent physical and mental health, and it can also play a role in the bond you share, just as it is for us.

From the brain, heart, and lungs to immunological function, disease resistance, and metabolism, to mood, memory, and learning processes, sleep has an impact on practically every type of tissue and system in the body.

How much is it?

When it comes to sleeping, cats are World champions! An adult will sleep for about 15 to 16 hours per day on average. Your cat, on the other hand, only spends about a quarter of that time in deep sleep; the rest of the time, he's napping, still sleeping but alert enough to rouse at any time. Kittens and senior citizens sleep even longer, up to 20 hours in a 24-hour period.

The legacy of feline evolution, physiology, and nutritional habits is supposed to be the reason cats sleep so much: hunting prey requires a lot of energy, and napping between meals conserves energy and helps the body regenerate.

Is it possible to have too much or too little?

The amount of time your cat sleeps varies from person to person and from age to age. Sleeping time tends to rise on cloudy, chilly, and wet days for an enthusiastic cat who has had lots of stimulus and exercise. Sudden changes in sleeping patterns, on the other hand, can be an indication of a health problem, especially if you also observe behavioural changes. Consult your veterinarian if you observe your cat sleeping more or less than normal.

Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at sunrise and sunset. Most adapt their sleeping habits to that of their humans, but some will be at their most active when you are either going to bed or not wanting to be woken up in the morning. They are also polyphasic sleepers, which means that instead of sleeping for one extended time like we do, they sleep in numerous periods.

Do cats have the ability to dream?

They certainly do! Cats, like humans, cycle through various stages of sleep, experiencing both light and deep sleep.

NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep are two types of sleep. According to studies, your cat is in a light sleep throughout the NREM stage, ready to wake up very instantaneously if necessary. This stage may be followed by a period of alertness, tiredness, and more NREM sleep, with the cycle repeating numerous times before transitioning to REM sleep.

You may notice your cat twitching his paws and whiskers while in REM sleep, as well as his eyes moving horizontally and vertically behind his closed eyelids. REM sleep is linked to dreaming in humans, and it appears that cats and other animals are no exception, with research demonstrating that they act out their dreams while in this period.

An igloo bed can provide a cat a sense of security.

Is it true that cats snore?

Some cats, like people, snore when sleeping. It happens when air can't flow easily through the nose and throat, causing tissues to vibrate. Due to fat build-up around their upper airways, which narrows their oxygen intake, overweight cats are more likely to snore than skinny cats. Because the shape of their heads might result in narrower nostrils, nasal passageways, and nasopharynx, short-nosed breeds like Persians, Exotic Shorthairs, and Himalayan cats are more prone to snoring.

Snoring can also be caused by respiratory infections, allergies, or a foreign body in the nose, such as a grass seed. If your cat is generally a sound sleeper but has started snoring, have him checked out by your veterinarian.

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