The Fascinating History and Healing Power of Cats.

Origins of Domestic Cats

Historians often highlight that domestic cats originated in Ancient Egypt, revered and depicted in artwork for over 3600 years.

The Egyptian goddess Bastet, often shown as a cat or lioness, exemplifies this reverence. A significant 2004 discovery of a Neolithic grave in Cyprus, containing a human and a large cat buried together nearly 10,000 years ago, points to the deep historical bond between humans and cats.

Early Domestication and Global Spread

While the emotional story behind the Cyprus burial remains a mystery, genetic studies suggest cats were first domesticated in Mesopotamia. They later spread to Cyprus and Egypt and were present in Britain by the late Iron Age. This enduring bond between humans and cats, akin to our relationships with horses and dogs, has persisted for millennia.

Cats in the Age of Discovery

During the Age of Discovery, cats became essential companions on ships, valued for their rodent control and as good luck charms. The idea of a cat comforting a lonely sailor or cabin boy far from home is heartwarming and highlights the important role cats played in human exploration.

The Unique Bond Between Cats and Humans

Despite their independent nature and occasional aloofness, cats, like dogs, chose to link their destinies with humans. Unlike dogs, cats have remained largely unchanged since their early domestication. Early humans likely valued cats for their ability to control pests and their spiritual significance.

Spiritual and Healing Powers of Cats

Many ancient cultures believed cats were spiritual guides or companions for humans. The Prophet Muhammad adored his cat Muezza and valued its presence greatly. The healing power of cats is a prominent theme in this anthology. Their psychic abilities, as seen in my own cat Boots, might explain their association with witches in medieval times.

Environmental Impact and Responsible Ownership

Acknowledging the environmental impact of cats is crucial. Responsible cat ownership—ensuring they are desexed, wear bells, and stay indoors at night—could have significantly altered the history of bird species. Sadly, many have neglected these duties, leading to around 40 million feral cats in the US alone.

Remarkable Tales of Cats

Keep an eye out for a book I am writing! It's filled with tales of remarkable cats. For instance, Leo, a nursing-home cat, predicts patients' deaths with astonishing accuracy, providing comfort in their final moments. The soothing purr of a cat is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, alleviate depression, and increase serotonin levels.

Myths and Legends of Cats

The myth of cats having multiple lives has been around for centuries, with variations in the number across different cultures. Their agility in landing on their feet and their speed in escaping predators like dogs are legendary. Despite the often tumultuous relationship between cats and dogs, many stories in this collection highlight their ability to form deep bonds.


Cats' grace and elegance demand respect. While we can command dogs, cats regard us with dignified indifference, choosing when to play and cuddle. When a cat chooses you, it's an honor.


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