6 Reasons why cats try to trip you up

Why do cats try to trip you up

In order to get you somewhere or to accomplish something, cats often try to knock you down and make you trip over each other.

This form of herding behaviour can be found in dogs, but it's also frequent in felines. Cats herding you for food or cuddling them on the bed is an adorable way for cats to get what they want from their owners, no matter what the reason is.

The following are six reasons why your cat might try to sabotage your plans:

1. Herding

Cats have a way of persuading you to provide for their needs, and they do it constantly. Same goes for their favourite places around the house. Because cats love to curl up with their owners as they read or watch television, they will try to get you into bed with them when they are in the mood for some snuggles and a nap.

However, how do you know if you're being herded or not? There's a simple test you can do to see if this is the case. Just step back and see if your cat turns around to see what's going on and comes over and attempts to persuade you that you should continue traveling in the same direction as she does.

Cats may herd their humans toward a window or even the door to signal that they want to go outside. For cats, this is especially true if they spend a lot of time outside.

2. It's time to have some fun!

Cats may use you as a toy from time to time.

That may not sound like a pleasant thing to say, but it's true that they'll deliberately trip you up in order to have a good time. You can become prey if there is no prey around.

They may even try to get you to get them something to occupy them.

Cats, by the way, need to be kept cognitively stimulated through play. It's important that you play with your cat every day for at least 15-20 minutes to keep them happy.

3. Taking the lead

Even while it may not be as important for cats as for dogs, hierarchy plays a big role in their lives.

Having other cats around tends to bring out the dominant behaviour in cats. However, the majority of pet owners believe that their pets consider us as their big brothers. To keep you doing what they want you to do because you share the same living area with them, they need to establish some type of authority.

Not to worry; this is a harmless behaviour that will not lead to your cat becoming hostile because it is the dominant one amongst you. Dominant cats that are punished or made to do things they don't want to do, such as marking their territory excessively, can become aggressive or even begin to attack people (such as peeing on your clothes or your shoes, for instance).

To put it another way, because your cat is effectively blocking your route, she might try to trip you up.

4. They're trying to get your attention with this one.

Even if they're only trying to grab your attention because they want you to spend time with them or because they just want a cat treat from you, cats will step in front of you or lick your legs and appear to trip you up to gain your attention.

All it takes is a lot of repetition to get good at something.

It's your cat has learned that if she gets between your legs, and you're going to pet her, he / she will do it again in the future.

5. In a state of confusion

To catch your attention, a cat will sometimes try to trip you in order to notify you that something is wrong with their health, as we have already mentioned.

Symptoms of a neurological lesion or disease, such as looking into space or yowling out of the blue, are common in pets. It's possible that your elderly cat is trying to trip you because she's suffering from dementia, which is common in older cats.

6. Anxiety over the prospect of being apart from loved ones.

There's nothing you can do to stop a cat from being overly attached to you. That's the reason they become so delighted when you return home from work! Even while it may appear that a cat is attempting to trip you, the truth is that she simply does not wish to be apart from you.

Help your cat in learning that she has nothing to fear in terms of safety or attachment, and that you will continue to love and care for her regardless of what happens in her life. A cat's anxiety might last for the rest of its life, especially if it was adopted after suffering abuse or neglect or after spending a long period roaming the streets without a human owner.

You have a duty to provide a safe environment for your cat.

While attempting to trip you, why does your cat rub its paws against your legs?

When you're attempting to reach anywhere in your house, there are two primary reasons why cats rub their paws against your legs. On the other hand, their scent glands in their cheeks and forehead area allow them to identify you. Cats with separation anxiety, for example, are known to engage in this type of behaviour.

As a side note, cats aren't as naïve as we've come to believe.

They're really good at reading your reactions, so if they rub against your legs and seem adorable, they know you'll stop walking and pay attention to them. Essentially, they're using it to get what they want, whether it's food for them or a hint that it's better to snuggle with them than sit in front of a computer.

Are there ways you can stop your cat from tripping you?

No, not at all.

Cats may be highly persuasive when they put their minds to it, so if they want your attention, they won't be cool and aloof. If you don't pay attention, how are they going to grab your attention when they're so small compared to people?

Clingy cats are more prone than independent ones to stroll in front of or in between your legs, so if yours is one of the former, expect this behaviour to occur more frequently. In the early stages of getting acquainted with a new kitten, she may try a little more sleight-of-hand.

She's essentially turning you into a slave to her every command. For example, if you've had your cat for more than five or six years, you're likely to observe that this behaviour is becoming less common. Cats get used to us and become more relaxed as a result. They start to trust us and realise that we can take care of their needs without their having to convince us.


There are several ways cats try to attract your attention, whether it's to acquire food or a space in your house where you can pet them and make them feel at ease. Cats also try to trip you up to grab your attention.

Cats use this behaviour as a kind of communication, despite the fact that it may be viewed as a type of manipulation or a strategy to train us. It's more common in cats with separation anxiety or who are really connected to their humans than it is in cats who are more free-spirited.

Cats may try to trip you if they have no other way to amuse themselves, thus they may try to play with you. The best way to test this notion is to grab your cat's favourite toy and play with it!

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